Historias Unknown

Historias Unknown

Obscure Latin American history, capitalism and corruption. Each week, your hosts, Carmen and Cristina, will tell each other a story about Latino/Latine history, capitalism or corruption and sometimes all three. Episodes every Thursday.

Recent Episodes

March 13, 2025

Lolita Lebron: Part Two

On March 1, 1954, four Puerto Rican Nationalists opened fire on the house of Representatives chamber at the US Capitol. They were led by Lolita Lebron, a woman who some see as a hero and others as a terrorist. Cristina tells Carmen about Lolita...
March 13, 2025

Activismo Ambiental en América Latina

America Latina es uno de los lugares mas mortiferos para ser defensor de derechos. A pesar de las altas tasas de asesitatos de activistas y de impunidad, muchos arriesgan sus vidas para luchar por sus derechos.  En este episodio, Carmen le cuenta a...
March 6, 2025

Lolita Lebron: Part One

On March 1, 1954, four Puerto Rican Nationalists opened fire on the house of Representatives chamber at the US Capitol. They were led by Lolita Lebron, a woman who some see as a hero and others as a terrorist. Cristina tells Carmen about Lolita...
Feb. 27, 2025

The Failed Expedition of Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba

Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba was the captain of an expedition that left Castilla del oro (Cuba) in 1517, with the intent of finding more indigenous people to enslave. But none of it went as planned. Cristina tells Carmen about this failed...
Feb. 20, 2025

A Brief History of the Panama Canal Zone (Part Four)

The Panama Canal is now controlled by Panama, but before that, France and then the United Stated coveted and gained control of the zone, to develop the canal. Many lives were lost during the development of the canal, and many were displaced for the...
Feb. 6, 2025

A Brief History of the Panama Canal Zone (Part Three)

The Panama Canal is now controlled by Panama, but before that, France and then the United Stated coveted and gained control of the zone, to develop the canal. Many lives were lost during the development of the canal, and many were displaced for the...

Recent Blog Posts

Jan. 4, 2023

Sylvia Rivera

Sylvia Rivera was born on July 2,1951 in New York City. She is often remembered for the stonewall uprising, but she was much more than that. She identified as a drag queen, she was a trans rights activist, an advocate for unhoused people and a membe…

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July 16, 2022

The Battle of Chavez Ravine

Before it was Dodger Stadium, this part of Los Angeles was a Mexican community known as Chavez Ravine.  These neighborhoods were La Loma, Bishop and Palo Verde. By their own standards, these three neighborhoods were thriving, but the rest of…

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July 15, 2022

The History of Coffee in Guatemala and El Salvador

Coffee has a long history in the Americas. Over 60 percent of the world’s coffee is supplied by Latin America and the majority from Brazil. How did it arrive in the Americas? In 1720, a French Naval officer brought seedlings to Martinique, …

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About the Hosts

Carmen Profile Photo



Carmen is the host of Novelas con Cafecito (so is Cristina), a telenovela rewatch podcast, and the cohost of Historias Unknown. She is also a busy social worker that cannot work without her cup of cafecito. She loves to read when she has time, but never has it!

Cristina Profile Photo


Podcast Editor/Producer/Host

Cristina is a podcast editor, producer & host, but her other titles also include mom and healthcare worker. To listen to her share spooky stories, check out Espooky Tales! She's also Carmen's twin! She loves history, podcasts, spooky things and coffee. You can also contact her if you need a podcast editor.