May 26, 2022

The Shady Labor Practices of America's Favorite Soft Drink

The Shady Labor Practices of America's Favorite Soft Drink

There's a certain soft drink that comes to mind when you think of family parties, popcorn and movies and America, but what probably doesn't come to mind is the dark history behind that soft drink. A history that includes shady marketing and murderous union-busting activity.

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Sources for this episode:

The Coke Machine: The Dirty Truth Behind the World's Favorite Soft Drink by Michael Blanding

the Coca-Cola Company: Corporate Rap Sheet from the Corporate Research Project (,,

article in the prospect titled The Coca-Cola Killings by David Bacon (

article in The Guardian titled Coca-Cola boycott launched after killings at Colombian plants by Sibylla Brodzinsky (

Wikipedia page for the Sinaltrainal v Coca-Company lawsuit (

Mentioned in this episode:

Roe v wade preroll

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